Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The One and Only

Okay, so it's been a long time since we've had a new posting. This is probably going to be the one and only for April. To summarize April, we had fun getting into some social activities: playing in the barn, going out to lunch at Sweetpeas, and playing in the water with waterbabies instructor Olivia at TAC. Another highlight was guest speaker Ileen Barlow, National Mother of the Year 2007. Her message was teaching kids to "bounce back" from inevitable adversity. She also taught us to look for the little "hands" in our lives helping to keep us up when we're feeling stretched or about to break. Some call this "Raising Resilient Kids." I'll try and post later a few links with more information for you to look up- it's great stuff.
What experiences have you had with your kids learning to bounce back? What "hands" have you felt lifting you up during difficult times?